Tomorrow is a really big day! This year I have been doing some advertising work for a coffee shop in town and tomorrow we are using that facility to have a benefit concert for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation! This benefit is something I have been working on since November so I'm looking forward to seeing how it all turns out. However amidst my excitement I'm also a little nervous. Why, you ask? Well I'm nervous that noone will come, that I will have failed my dear friend Meagan, and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. I'm scared that even my best isn't good enough and we won't raise any money for this awesome organization. I think what it comes down to is that I'm scared that maybe I'm a failure. When I think about it, its an entirely selfish thing to feel. This benefit concert isn't for me or about me! It's for Meagan! It's for the CFF! But there is still that lurking, selfish fear in the back of my mind causing me to doubt myself. But it seems the moment I allow those feelings of doubt to come in, God comes to my rescue! He says, "Sarah, attendence at a benefit concert doesn't define you, money raised doesn't define you, the opinion of your peers doesn't define you... I alone define you! I think you're pretty special. I rejoice over you with singing, I take GREAT delight in you! I knit you together in your mother's womb, you are fearfully and wonderfully made! Find your worth in me Sarah, seek my kingdom and my righteousness and all of these things shall be added unto you. Don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself! Simply be still at know that I am God and I am in control of ever single circusmstance. Find your worth in my love, my grace and my power. Do not allow the world to define you." Are you allowing the worries and opinions of the world to define who you are? I challence you to see what God has to say about your worth... I'm positive that it will encourage you and maybe even change the way you see yourself! So while yes I'm still a little nervous about tomorrow, I'm more excited to see how God is going to work! And whether 100 people come or 10 people come, I find my self worth in something that never changes... God's incredible love for me!
p.s. my "self-talk" is based on bible verses... I don't want anyone to think I'm a crazy literally hearing God talk audibly to me! haha God uses the bible everyday to speak wonderful truths into our hearts and lives!
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