Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Journey Day 296

This past weekend was simply incredible. I was given the opportunity to be in upstate New York for four days, with other Christians with the same common goal... to go to China for ten months to spread the love of Christ Jesus. It was a powerful time of learning and worship, and the Holy Spirit's presence was tangible. I learned more about my trip, but more importantly I learned more about God and about worshiping Him. It really opened my eyes to a passionate way of worship that I've never experienced before. We sang together, prayed together, learned together, and became a unified group in 3 and a half days. It was incredible. I feel like they are more than just new friends... in fact they feel more like a new family! I'm just so excited that I will hopefully have the opportunity to serve alongside these amazing people! I think this weekend reminded me that I am allowing myself to be held captive by the chains of guilt, fear and doubt and I need to break those chains! In fact I think a lot of those chains have been broken, and I feel like I have been filled with a new boldness and knowledge about my God. It was definitely a freeing and healing weekend for me... being wrecked by God is a thing of beauty. Sometimes God has to break us down so that He can build us back up again, that way we can be stronger and withstand any storm of life! While that brokenness is painful in the moment, it brings healing in the long run.

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