Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Journey Day 303

I follow Mr. Rainn Wilson on twitter. Mr. Wilson plays Dwight on "The Office" and is seemingly a political/social activist in his free time. That being said, he tweeted something very interesting yesterday, and it said, "F You, God'-http://www.soulpancake.com/post/1378/f-you-god.html" Needless to say, I was intrigued so I clicked on the link and it brought me a discussion board about "3 reasons why you are pissed at God." I began to scroll through and my heart began to break. All of these people are so broken, so sad, so lonely, so mad, so insecure and so lost. I believe that God wants us to be real with Him, and that includes being honest about when we are angry with him, but these posts were just so sad. One person posted this, "I'm pissed: 1. That your name makes it to my secular humanist lips during moments of ecstasy- how the f bomb do you do it? 2. That your followers are content spewing your non existent words in order to push their political agendas. WTF? 3. That you're not real, I'd truly love some deity to talk to about my son having autism, in hopes for some miracle, or at least some funding." Most of the posts seemed to be posted by atheists, and their desperation and anger at a God that they claim doesn't exist shows that in their heart of hearts they hope He does! If they truly didn't believe in God, why are they telling Him why they are mad at Him? There were so many more posts just like that one, and some more heartbreaking. All these people are so lost, and so lonely and so angry at God when all the while He is just sitting there waiting for them to come home to Him. See, this is why were are called to preach the gospel to all nations, including our own! There are people everywhere that are just as lost as we used to be, and we need to reach out to them and show them Christs love! Let's be honest, much of the reason the world hates Christianity is because they actually hate people who claim Christ! Oftentimes we aren't the best representation of the love of our Father. One person wrote this, "1. Why are your followers so hateful, ignorant, and terrible to others." Man.... that sucks. Our love for others should shine through us so that everyone around us can feel the love of Christ, our actions should not drive people away from the cross! I know we can't be perfect, but as Christians we should work harder to be new creations and to live a life so different from the world, that when people look at us they can't help but wonder what we have, and then we can share the life saving and life changing grace and mercy that we have found in the cross and in Christ! Today I challenge you to do something loving for someone, whether it's buying coffee for the person behind you in line at Starbucks, or writing a nice note for someone and leaving it on their car... the choice is yours, but show Christ's love to everyone you know!

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