Thursday, April 21, 2011

Journey Day 298

Easter is quickly approaching, and with that in mind my school had a communion service during Wednesday night church. I usually avoid that service... not because I don't love Jesus but because it's typically a long service and I "don't have time". I put that part in quotes because in reality that is a super lame excuse for not spending time with the lover of my soul, and the one who died for me. But I went yesterday because a friend is in town and she was going so thus, I met her there and boy am I glad I did! It was such an incredible service, and God was totally there. I think I spent a lot of it just simply basking in His furious love for me. God reminded me, "Sarah why do you doubt my power and plan for your life? I sent my son to DIE for you.... doesn't that prove to you that I want the best for you? That I have a great purpose and plan for your life? He didn't die so that you would live a life of captivity! He died for your freedom, and for your future! He died so you could live your live with me! Be still sweet daughter... be...still." Our campus pastor told a story of a man and his two kids in a temple in India. The father was whipping his son, the son was whipping his infant brother, and there was blood everywhere! An indian christian man went up to him and asked, "Why are you doing this?" and he answered, "Because the Gods need our blood to atone for our sins." Then the little boy gathered his own blood and that of his father and small brother and brought it up to the altar for a sacrifice. What an amazing, loving God we serve that He sent His son to die so that we didn't have to! He doesn't ask us to give our own blood, or attempt to attone for ourselves through good works... no, He sent a replacement sacrfice. He died that we may live. This thought truly broke my heart. There are people all over the world so lost that they are shedding their own blood and the blood of their children and their children's children. They are so lost that they are willing to try anything to go to heaven, when all they have to do is seek Jesus. There is a loving God just waiting for them, but they don't even know it! Man... that really just breaks me. And that is why I want to go to China. I want to help people know God, I want people to see that they don't have to strive, they can't earn their salvation, all they have to do is seek God's face and be still. Jesus died for that, and may we never forget it or take it for granted.

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