Thursday, April 14, 2011

Journey Day 291

So yesterday I was hanging out with my friend Joel, and we were talking about the song How He Loves, by John Mark Macmillan, and about contemporary worship in general. I personally love that song, I think it's wonderful and it really puts my heart in the right place. BUT he brought up how the song isn't necessarily a worship song. And at first I put up a fight, I mean this is a song I love, how can it not be a worship song. But my friend reminded me about how that song talks about us a whole lot, and how much God loves us, but it doesn't really praise who God is, and it doesn't really exalt God and His glory. Let me just say, MY WORLD WAS ROCKED!! In the best possible way of course. Maybe I've been approaching worship wrong this whole time. Maybe instead of making it about God, I've been making it all about me... how screwy and messed up is that?? Well you know what? It's time to change to that. It's time to make worship all about God and not at all about me. It's not about me... it's all about GOD!

1 comment:

  1. I disagree with him. And not just because he's Joel. :) I feel like the main reason for 'worship songs' is to bring your attention to how great God is and to use that to honor him. The words in the song don't have to spell out His glory for you to do that. Just like in the book of Psalms it David sometimes talks about how unfit he is, and that is his way of worshiping to the Lord. I don't know, I just disagree that a song has to have the words spelling out how great God is for it to be a worship song, I think it's more about where the song brings you personally.
