Thursday, September 16, 2010

Journey Day 81

How do I put into words the scene that was before me tonight? Can you limit God's glory to words? Tonight I got to see God in each of the girls at my small table. There is this beautiful part of Him that only women can show. From the beginning of time God knew the world was not complete without us. Men are awesome don't get me wrong, they show a different side of our savior, but the world was unfinished without us. We are the Ezer Kenegdo, man's helper, but the kind of helper that is irreplaceable! There was something wrong, something was missing from the creation, and only we could fix it! As women we have more "power" than we think. We have the power to build up our brothers and sisters in Christ, or tear them down. We can love or despise, respect or disrespect. We can use the power God has given us for good, or for evil. We have so much more power than we realize, will we use it to be the safe haven, the Ezer Kenegdo? Or will we use it to bring pain and hurt to the very people that love on us and care about us? How can we expect men to do their part, and reflect God, if we aren't doing our part as women. When we are kind and respectful, and loving I think that it will inspire men to step up to the plate and reflect the strength of God. I want to be that kind of woman, the kind of woman that respects the men in her life, and inspires. I want to be different, I want to be a Godly woman, not because I want a man, but because I want my character to reflect my Savior's character. I want all the men in my life, especially my guy friends to know I respect them, and cherish them, and that I am so proud of them! If I can encourage them, then my job is done : )

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