Thursday, September 9, 2010

Journey Day 74

Tomorrow starts the "Passionate Hearts Women's Conference". I am soo excited! My biggest prayer is that God will continue to make changes in my heart through this conference! That through it he will break me down, and remind me of his love for me! I want one of those moments where my heart is broken before him, and I call him to pick me up, and he meets me there, at his feet! Those moments are painful, and hard, but sometimes I know that it has to hurt before it can get better. My greatest struggle right now is taking my burdens and leaving them at the foot of the cross. My head wants to leave them there, but my heart want's to keep some kind of control, and holds onto the very things that are weighing me down. Today God gave me Psalm 94:19, which says, "When anxiety was great within me, Your consolation brought joy to my soul." I pray that God will remind me of the joy he gives, that will heal my soul, and console me when my heart seems to ache. I will never expect my life to be perfect, or free of pain, but I can be sure that God will right along side me the entire time, leading me one step at a time giving me his peace that passes understanding. I am content and safe in his arms. : ) Yay Jesus!

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