Sunday, September 5, 2010

Journey Day 70

So tomorrow I have to make a really big decision. I have to decide whether or not I am going to go through training to be a volunteer counselor at the local pregnancy resource center. This may not sound like a super big deal, but it's a very intense time commitment, and I just don't know if I have the time for it. But I also know that if it's what God wants me to do, he'll make the time and give me the energy. I guess the big thing for me is making sure that it is what God wants me to do. I want to allow him to use me in my time of singleness, and I just feel like this would be such a cool way! I feel like I have a peace about it, but I'm so scared of making the wrong decision and I'm scared of making such a big commitment. But if I'm bringing God glory in what I do, what could possibly be wrong about it? I just have to let go, and let God work in me. It's the letting go part that seems to be so difficult. I told God that he could use me in whatever way he wanted, and if I have this amazing opportunity, how could I possibly pass it up? God will provide whatever I need to do his will. It's just about me having the faith, to trust in his promises. After writing this I think I have my answer, but I'm gonna give it one more night of prayer, and make my final decision tomorrow. I want it to be evident that the spirit of God controls me, by the fruits in my life. Good cannot produce bad, so if God is controlling my decisions than good will be produced in my life! : )

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