Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Journey Day 79

Ok, so how cool is this: back in the times of the Old Testament, pre-Jesus, high priests would have to make sacrifices for the people, so that God would forgive them their sins. They interceded on the behalf of everyone else, because they were chosen by God. They would sacrifice first for their own sins,and then for the sins of everyone else. Now these priests have to continue to intercede for the people, and it only lasted as long as their own life, once they died, the new priest had to take over, and continue what the old one had been doing. Wellllll this happened for hundreds of years until Jesus came along and sacrificed himself for the sins of the whole world.He is the ultimate "interceder", because he lives forever, he continues to save us and His life was the ultimate sacrifice, "He sacrificed for their sins once for all when he offered himself."(Hebrews 7:27b)This whole process is our "new covenant", and "By calling this covenant 'new', he has made the first one obsolete and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear."(Hebrews 8:13)We are now under the grace and forgiveness of God, daily being saved by our great intercessor! Again I say, how cool is that!? I hope you have an AMAZING Tuesday, filled with reminders of God's never ending love for YOU! : )

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