Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Journey Day 268

It's day two of the Daniel fast and day two of no coffee! The lack of energy and headaches have shown me how addicted to caffeine I truly am, and so I am glad that I am taking this time to detox my body. There are so many reasons that I am doing this fast, but one of them is definitely to become unaddicted to caffeine. Another reason, simillar to the first, is because I want to start treating my body better. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have recieved from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." I have not been honoring God by watching what I put in my body, and it's time I start. Sooo thus the Daniel fast! I am only eating fruits, veggies, whole grains, legumes, and nuts. I will not eat any kind of sweetner and nothing artificial. The only thing I will be drinking is water. It takes 21 days to form a habit, so I am going to do the fast for 21 days, and then slowly start adding some things back into my diet. My goal is to still stay away from super processed foods filled with artificial things, so I'll add chicken and then I'll add dairy, then I'll add some sweet things back into my diet and finally I'll add one or two cups of coffee per week...maybe, I just don't want to become addicted to caffeine again! Another goal for this fast is to lose a little bit of weight. I don't want to lose a whole lot, just a little bit to feel more comfortable and in shape. I also want to walk more, so I'm going to start taking my dog on longer walks around my apartment complex. My fourth and main goal for this fast is to draw so close to God, and to develop such an intimacy with Him that I know His will. To know Him so well that I don't have to second guess my own decisions because they come from a deep friendship with my savior. I want to be so sensitive to His voice, that when I am not supposed to do something, I can hear Him and will listen. I am also taking a week away from relationships. What does that mean you may ask? Well for one week I'm not going on facebook, or twitter, I'm turning off my phone, and I'm not making plans with anyone. I'm going to take some time to really be with God undistracted! I'm really excited to see what this fast will do in my walk with God, but I'm trying not to have any expectations! I just want God to have the freedom to use this fast in whatever way He wants, no matter what my goals for it might be!

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