Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Journey Day 247

When you think of beauty what do you think of? For me, that word calls a lot of things to my mind! Like a picture playlist the first thing I see are the mountains of Virginia. This morning I walked out of my house to go to work and I saw the most incredible view! There were the mountains topped with some pink, blue, and orange. It was so incredible!! It looked a little like this:
The next thing that comes to my mind is laughter. I love laughing, I love making people laugh... I think it's beautiful. God could have made life completely dull with nothing worth laughing about, but instead He chose to give us the ability to laugh and to enjoy life! Laughter seems to bring out the best in us, even when we're having the worst day ever! Laughter seems to have the uncanny ability to make it at least a little bit better. I think that's pretty darn beautiful!

The next image I see is a starry night. Not the painting, but an actual starry night. All those glowing lights up in the sky really seem to put things into perspective for me. God placed every star up in the sky to give us light, and to make us smile! : )

One of the most beautiful things I've ever seen is Niagra Falls. A few summers ago my family went there for a vacation, and I was simply in awe of what God had made. If you've never been I definitely suggest you go because there is simply no photograph or photographer that could truly capture the strength, power and grace of Niagra. 
Beauty isn't skin deep, it isn't what the world deems it be, there is no formula to figure out what beauty is. If God made it, there is something beautiful about it. Bottom line. I charge you to find beauty wherever you go, whatever you do, because I can guarantee you will find it! : )What picture playlist plays in your mind when you hear the word "beauty"?

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