Thursday, March 31, 2011
Journey Day 277
Do you ever have a day where you just want to drive and drive and drive until you just can't drive anymore because you simply can't be where you are... you just need to be away. No? Oh, well I am having that kind of day. I just want to jump in my little Nissan and drive, but I'm not even sure where I would go. I wish I had a spot where I could go and be alone with my bible, a notebook and God. I'm feeling overwhelmed and that is the only cure I can think of. So friends, I'm going to go hop in my Nissan and just drive. I don't know where I'm going to go, but I'm just going to drive and pray and pray and drive hope for some clarity.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Journey Day 276
A common theme throughout my journey has been learning to trust and have faith in God. He continues to teach it to me each and every day. Last Thursday we learned about Mary, the mother of Jesus, at bible study. One thing that really stuck out to me about her was her incredible faith and trust in the Lord. She was just so very willing to do God's will! Here's a 13 year old who has just been told that God was going to impregnate her even though she was unmarried and a virgin and what's her response? "Uhhhh no thanks God... I think I'll take a pass on immaculate conception." Absolutely not! The bible tells us she said, "I am the Lord's servant, may it be as you have said." She didn't ask God for the details so she could weigh the pros and cons... she just said, "may it be as you have said." Being so young, and unmarried Mary risked life and limb to bring our Savior into the world, and we must be grateful for her faith and willingness. I can't help but think, "I want that." I want that faith and I desire to trust God to that extent, so that no matter what he asks me to do I can say, "I am the Lord's servant, may it be as you have said."
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Journey Day 275
Something God has been teaching me throughout this whole journey of mine is that having the ability to turn the other cheek is crucial in our Christian walk. Pastor Paul just finished a sermon series entitled "Thinking Backwards". This series was all about how thinking and living biblically is often backwards from the way the world is. When a person is wronged, usually their first action is to act back, in other words "you hit me? well then I'm going to hit you back even harder." But that isn't what the bible tells us to do, that is isn't the way Jesus lived at all! Matthew 5:38-42 says, "You have heard it said, 'An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.' But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you." God doesn't just call us to be kind of nice, he dares us to be outright revolutionary in the way we live our life. But this revolution isn't one of violence, in fact it's quite the opposite. This revolution is one of love, a love that is so deep that no matter what it prevails! Even when you are persecuted your love shines through! For example, your driving down the highway and someone cuts you off... what's your first instinct? To be honest mine is to honk or glare at them as I get over into another lane to pass them. BUT if someone cut Jesus off as he was driving down route 460 do you think he would scream and cuss? No, I think he would just keep on driving and I think he would extend grace to them. I definitely have some road rage, so that example is one that really hits home with me. I think it's easy to love the lovable, it's easy to love those who love you back. But the love that really takes work, and the love that really takes conviction is the love you show to those who don't show love to you back. And that is what God wants us to do. Violence only fosters more hate, but love stirs something bigger and more pure in our hearts. Love gives us the ability to give above and beyond what is expected of us, love gently calls us to something better, and most of all love reflects Jesus Christ, and that my friends is a revolution I want to be a part of.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Journey Day 274
So today was a good day, in fact a very happy day! So in honor of my happy day here is the list of top 10 things that make me super happy today : )
1. This is my favorite nail polish color. I think it's happy, and fun and when I think of spring I think of this color!
1. This is my favorite nail polish color. I think it's happy, and fun and when I think of spring I think of this color!
2. I love the mountains... specifically the Virginia ones. They make me smile, and every time I see them my heart knows it's home! The best part? These lovely mountains are practically in my backyard!
3. The Muse Coffee Company. It is my second home, and where I am currently sitting typing this blog... I'm pretty much in love with this place! Sadly I can't partake of their MOST delicious coffee right now, so instead I'm sitting at a big table with a bottle of water, simply enjoying the smell of espresso.
4. Crocheting. It is one of my new favorite hobbies! It's so fun and so relaxing, and I am currently making a super long scarf!
5. Lists. I know, I'm a nerd but lists make me sooo very happy! I love checking stuff off as I get them done, and I love making a list of everything I have to do so that I am equipped to attack whatever problem I may come across.
6. The Sun. The Sun makes me happy. Scientifically it's proven the Sun gives you vitamins that give you energy and make you happy! Soooo the fact that the gloomy weather went away for a little bit and the Sun came out again definitely was the icing on top of my day!
7. Veggie Burritos from Moes. I had dinner with my friend Leah and we went to Moe's, and I had the most delicious veggie burrito and I didn't even feel like I was missing out on anything due to the lack of chicken! Definitely a win.
8. My heating pad. Such a weird thing to love, I know, but it helps my achey muscles and is just the perfect nap time companion!
9. My friends... oooh how I missed them. While I did cheat some, they are just so precious to me and not being able to be in contact with them was definitely hard! I love them much!
(not my real friend obviously, but I don't have a real picture of all of them so this will do)
10. I think you all probably know what number 10 is... my Jesus. He has the amazing ability to make me smile everyday at least 10 times. Even on the crappiest of days He gives me moments worth smiling about! : )
I hope you enjoyed my 10 very happy things, and I hope that your day was just as happy as mine : )
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Journey Day 273
The one thing in my life (other than sin of course) that has kept me from growing closer to the lover of my soul is guilt. The time when I really need to come before the throne of grace the most, is when I have the tendency to try to hide from Him. I feel guilty over small things, and I feel guilty over serious things... but guilt is guilt and either way it gets in the way of me and God. When I feel guilty, I feel ashamed, and when I feel ashamed I don't want God to see me, I feel like I don't deserve to be around Him. And you know what? I don't deserve to be near Him, but that is what grace and mercy is all about it. God gives us grace so we can be near to Him even when we least deserve it. When I feel guilty, ashamed, broken and alone is when I really need to be before my Abba because He alone can take the broken pieces and put them back together again. Even this week, there have been so many times that I have felt guilty about small things, and they put a wedge in between me and God. Every time I start to feel my wall of guilt go up I have to force it right back down again so that I can be close to my savior once again. Guilt only binds us and puts us in chains. God didn't send His only son to die a terrible death on the cross for me so that I can have guilt, and have it more abundantly... Jesus came so that I may have life and have it more abundantly. Jesus came to give me FREEDOM and instead, sometimes, I choose to live a life of bondage by worrying and by allowing my guilt to keep me from communion with Christ. So every time I start to feel some guilt comin on I force myself to take a deep breath and remember that no matter what I do God loves me, even when I fall short He still loves me. I haven't figured out the perfect formula to live a guilt free/worry free life... I'm still figuring it out one day at a time. But I do know that by the grace of God and when I am dedicated living a life modeled after Christ, the guilt gets to be less and less and less. So heres to a guilt-free, grace-filled life! : )
p.s. Sunday Serve was awesome!! It was such a blessing to 1. fellowship with other people at One CC, and 2. show the love of Jesus to people that maybe don't get to see it on a daily basis!
p.s. Sunday Serve was awesome!! It was such a blessing to 1. fellowship with other people at One CC, and 2. show the love of Jesus to people that maybe don't get to see it on a daily basis!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Journey Day 272
Confession. I kind of cheated on my friend "fast". I went to one of the softball games to see my bestie Meagan. I just have missed her sooo much this week that I had to take a few hours to see her and enjoy spending time with her. It was super and nice to see her! I love her lots and lots! And now I'm sitting on the couch, watching some good ol CSI, contemplating eating some watermelon... yummmmm! I try to not eat past 7pm, and it's already 7:45! My how the day has just flown by! Tomorrow I get to do something really exciting with my church, called Sunday Serve. What we're doing is going into the community with loaves of bread, and just knocking on people's door and open them a loaf of bread and a smile. I feel like God has really given me a heart for this community, so I'm excited to see how God uses One Community Church tomorrow! If you think of it, shoot up a prayer for us and for God to work in big way through us!!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Journey Day 271
Today has been a productive day, which as I've mentioned before is my favorite kind of day! But today I missed my friends extra... they always bring sunshine into my day, and so I've been lacking that this week! But God has already started to answer so much through this fast and it's only just the beginning! I found this book that I bought a while back by Beth Moore called Praying God's Word and I'm excited to start going through it. I know there is power in God's word and there is power in prayer, so what an amazing, powerful combination! It's about claiming God's promises and Him freeing you from strongholds! Whether it's pride, rejection, addiction, depression, or so much more, God is there for you... you can depend on Him to be by your side through every step of the way, and you can count on Him for freedom. He is Immanuel... "God with us"!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Journey Day 270
I had such a good day yesterday, and it wasn't even because I went anywhere cool, or did anything awesome. I basically just relaxed. I went to school and did the class thing and then as soon as class was over I stopped by kroger to get more fruit and filtered water and then I came home and cleaned my room, my bathroom and my car. Then I spent some time on my knees in prayer. I kneeled on the floor by my bed and just talked with God, it was very freeing. Then I took a nap, and when I woke up I watched some t.v. and ate some humus and these yummy tortilla chips made with olives! Then I took a walk around my apartment complex, and then I got ready for bed! See? It was a completely uneventful, boring day and I loved it. For the first time in a really long time I was able to have a day to myself! It was quiet, and peaceful and just what I needed.I've enjoyed the quiet, but I'm looking forward to bible study tonight when I'll get to see a few of my friends! I've missed them a whole lot! I think that I've felt more of a peace in the past few days then I have in a while. I've stopped striving and I've just been basking in God's love. I'm not going to lie, sometimes it's been hard for me to slow down because I'm so used to always go, go, going! I literally find myself convincing my body that it's ok to rest and it's ok to be still. Mostly I've just been enjoying God's presence. Sometimes I pray and sometimes I just silently enjoy Him, and through that silent enjoyment of His company I can feel my love grow and I can feel our intimacy deepen. And it seems that nothing can make me happier than that! : )
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Journey Day 269
I started reading Acts today. I decided to read it to have a better understanding of the origin of the church, and chapter 2, verses 42-27 really opened my eyes to what a church community looks like. "They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." The people of the original church truly new what it meant to be a church family. They didn't just attend a service together and then head home to their real families... they did life together! They praised together, ate together, shared their belonging, fellowshipped together, prayed together and loved together. I long for that kind of church family. I want to do life with them, I want to have a church family that actually cares about my life and what is happening to me. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE MY CHURCH, it's an awesome place filled with awesome people but I still want what the first church had. I want fellowship, I want to break bread with them, and I want to pray with them! I want a second family, and I hope that someday soon I'll find that!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Journey Day 268
It's day two of the Daniel fast and day two of no coffee! The lack of energy and headaches have shown me how addicted to caffeine I truly am, and so I am glad that I am taking this time to detox my body. There are so many reasons that I am doing this fast, but one of them is definitely to become unaddicted to caffeine. Another reason, simillar to the first, is because I want to start treating my body better. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have recieved from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." I have not been honoring God by watching what I put in my body, and it's time I start. Sooo thus the Daniel fast! I am only eating fruits, veggies, whole grains, legumes, and nuts. I will not eat any kind of sweetner and nothing artificial. The only thing I will be drinking is water. It takes 21 days to form a habit, so I am going to do the fast for 21 days, and then slowly start adding some things back into my diet. My goal is to still stay away from super processed foods filled with artificial things, so I'll add chicken and then I'll add dairy, then I'll add some sweet things back into my diet and finally I'll add one or two cups of coffee per week...maybe, I just don't want to become addicted to caffeine again! Another goal for this fast is to lose a little bit of weight. I don't want to lose a whole lot, just a little bit to feel more comfortable and in shape. I also want to walk more, so I'm going to start taking my dog on longer walks around my apartment complex. My fourth and main goal for this fast is to draw so close to God, and to develop such an intimacy with Him that I know His will. To know Him so well that I don't have to second guess my own decisions because they come from a deep friendship with my savior. I want to be so sensitive to His voice, that when I am not supposed to do something, I can hear Him and will listen. I am also taking a week away from relationships. What does that mean you may ask? Well for one week I'm not going on facebook, or twitter, I'm turning off my phone, and I'm not making plans with anyone. I'm going to take some time to really be with God undistracted! I'm really excited to see what this fast will do in my walk with God, but I'm trying not to have any expectations! I just want God to have the freedom to use this fast in whatever way He wants, no matter what my goals for it might be!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Journey Day 267
Today was my first day without coffee. To find out why I'm not drinking coffee anymore, go to this website, and learn more about the Daniel Fast! : )
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Journey Day 266
Today I feel completely inadequate. Today I feel like a failure in my walk with God. Today I feel weak. Today I feel like I'm being suffocated by an incredibly heavy burden and I don't even know what the burden is. I was standing in church and we were singing about feeling at rest and at peace and all the sudden my chest got tight and I started to cry and my shoulder felt like someone was sitting on them. When I thought about being at rest I realized how much I'm really not at rest at all. It's not even that I don't feel at peace about any events happening in my life, I just feel weary and heavy laden. I have the tendency to carry my burdens along with a lot of other people's, and I love doing it! I really do, I love being there for them and I love helping them carry their burdens! I think as a Christian that is my responsiblity, and my pleasure, but I think my problem is that I haven't laid those burdens at the foot of the cross where they belong. The moment I typed those words I was reminded of Isaiah 40:31, "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Over spring break my relationship with God took a small hit, not because of anything I did but more because of what I didn't do. I let that important relationship fall to the wayside and I hardly ever spent any time with the lover of my soul! No wonder I have been feeling so exhausted and burdened! I am a firm believer that the over flow of your heart turns into words, action, and life, and because I hadn't spent time with my Jesus the overflow of my heart was sour thus came the weariness and the sorrow and the burden. I haven't been sharing my burden with Jesus and soooo I am just completely burnt out! When I am depending on Jesus and spending time in the word, carrying burdens is an easy task because it is shared, but when I try to carry them alone I get snippy and exhausted and I just feel heavy. But when I am spending time in the word and with Jesus and when I make that relationship top priority I am able to carry every burden with a smile on my face, and a song in my heart. If anything, this past "quiet-timeless" week has made me realize even more how truly desperate I am for God. Without Him I am truly a mess!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Journey Day 265
I don't know about you, but I different role models for different aspects of my life. For example my parents are my role models for a godly, happy marriage. But lately I realized I have a role model for faith, in other words I have a role model for deep, righteous faith and that would be my main man Abraham. His faith is SO incredible! Often God told Abraham where to go and what to do and Abraham just went... he didn't ask questions, he acted on faith and let God guide him. I want that kind of faith, I want to just go wherever God calls and follow His lead completely! It isn't easy because I still want to have control, but it's what I need to do!
" By faith iAbraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going."
-Hebrews 11:8
p.s. only 100 more days in my one year challenge!!! ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!
" By faith iAbraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going."
-Hebrews 11:8
p.s. only 100 more days in my one year challenge!!! ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Journey Day 264
Soo tired... must sleeeeeeeeep!!!
The Stand by Hillsong
The Stand by Hillsong
You stood before creation Eternity within Your hand You spoke the earth into motion My soul now to stand You stood before my failure Carried the Cross for my shame My sin weighed upon Your shoulders My soul now to stand So what can I say What can I do But offer this heart O God Completely to You So I'll walk upon salvation Your Spirit alive in me This life to declare Your promise My soul now to stand So what can I say What can I do But offer this heart O God Completely to You So I'll stand With arms high and heart abandoned In awe of the One who gave it all So I'll stand My soul Lord to You surrendered All I am is Yours
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Journey Day 263
Another exhausting day but I am home sweeeeeet home : ) I am in bed and lovin' it! My blog entries have been relatively boring lately because of spring break, but soon they will start to be a bit more exciting I hope! God is doing some really really cool things that I will share with all of you very very soon!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Journey Day 262
I'm exhausted. My eyes are slowly closing, and my body is aching. While break has been semi rest full it's also had it's fair share of moments of stress and busyness. I'm ready to get back into the swing of the semester, but this break was definitely what I needed! I'm excited to hit the road tomorrow and sleep half the day away on Friday!! Goodnight my blogging friends, it's sleep time for me!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Journey Day 261
Today was an awesome day! I went into NYC with Meagan and we wandered around Times Square for a few hours! It was AWESOME!! Here are some pictures we took in a photobooth in our favorite store (which was 4 floors btw)
Monday, March 14, 2011
Journey Day 260
I have a confession. I have not been doing good with my Jesus time for the past few days. I am on spring break and I have just let it go to the side! UGH! It's definitely affected my attitude! Like I've still been praying a lot, but I'm way behind in my devo book, and I just haven't been giving God the time He deserves! This is just unacceptable!! I need to change this... so I'm going to get off this and go spend some time with the big man upstairs... aka God : )
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Journey Day 259
Today's lesson.... patience!
You probably can't tell, but those two strands are sort of crocheted. I'm trying to crochet a purse so we'll see where that goes, but it's definitely been a lesson in patience! I've been having to teach myself from this book, and it is practically impossible to decipher. Soo thus I have been sitting at the kitchen table cursing the yarn's very existence but trucking on through, and eventually I will have an awesome homemade bag to show from my hard work! Patience is certainly a virtue, and it is one God is teaching me one trying activity at a time! : )
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Journey Day 258
I love going home for spring break because I get the opportunity to have such awesome conversations with my family. This morning I was talking with my parents and my mom was telling me this story about my six year old brother. She said that her and my dad were having an argument and he started crying all of the sudden. They quieted him down a little bit and asked him what happened. He said, "I'm scared you and daddy are going to get divorced and I've been thinking about who I want to live with and I can't decide who I'm going to live with!!" And my awesome and loving parents calmed him down and explained that they loved each other very much, and they were never never going to get divorced so he didn't have to worry about it. And while it was an adorable story and made me giggle it got me thinking. I am so very blessed. I never ever had to worry about my parents not being together. They always made sure I knew they loved each other and that they loved me. I had two awesome role models for what a marriage is supposed to look like and I always felt secure at home. It was always a safe haven for me and I know that is an incredible blessing! I know that as my little brother grows older he'll see the love my parents share and he too will feel safe, secure and extremely loved!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Journey Day 257
Be in prayer for Japan!!!!!!!! I can't even imagine what it must be like to have to deal with a tsunami, and a gigantic earthquake!!!!!! Let's join together and keep Japan and all it's people in our constant prayers!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Journey Day 256
For the past two days my town has certainly lived up to one of it's many nicknames... drenchburg! It's been raining pretty steadily for the past two days, and with the rain came clouds, cold, and no Sun. I love a good rainy day, but I am beginning to miss the Sun and the Vitamin D it brings with it. While I definitely want a nice sunshiney day I can see so much beauty in a rainy day. 1. Rain makes things grow. The grass will be greener, and hopefully sooner than later little flowers will start to sprout up from the ground. 2. Raindrops are pretty. I know that sound ridiculous but raindrops are pretty! 3. Rain makes for a perfect day to sit inside and read a book or go to a coffee shop and enjoy some fellowship with a friend. Sooo there you have it folks. Turn your rain induced frown upside down and see the beauty in this rainy day : )
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Journey Day 255
A peak into my journaling and innermost thoughts...
"You are every breath I breathe. You are fresh air in my struggling lungs. Your presence is balm for my parched soul, oh how I long for you. Your love is better than life. Nothing in this earth can hold a candle to your glory and majesty. I see it everywhere I look... in the mountains and in the Sun. In the stars, and in the green grass. You are every good thing and I am continually blessed by you. I don't just want you, I long for you! It is my sin that keeps me from exeriencing true life with you. I long to simply abide in you. I want my home to be in your presence. Because you love me I am lovable. Your unconditional, undeserved love and grace never cease to amaze and astound me. Without you, I am nothing. Transform me into your disciple. Abba thank you for loving me for who I am, not for who I will be someday. You provide for all my needs before I even know I need them. I love every part of you. I want to know you and your love better than I know myself. Consume me Lord so that people will see you and your love when they look at me! Today and everyday I am choosing to live in your presence and enjoy every blessing you have given me. Lord your love astounds and inspires... thank you..."
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Journey Day 254
The past few days I haven't been feeling very loving. That's not to say that I haven't loved some people, in fact I've loved a lot of people, but I have certainly thought some not so nice thoughts towards some people in the past 3 days. I was reading Proverbs 10 this morning, which talks about the acts of the righteous and the wicked, and verse 12 says, "Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs." The last part really got me.... "love covers over all wrongs." DANG IT! I have certainly not been doing that. I've been holding onto my hurt and anger, instead of just letting it go and loving them no matter what might happen. I had to go reread the love Chapter (1 Corinthians 13). "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy. It does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs." If I really love my friends like I say I do, then I need to let go of my hurt, let go of my anger and delete the "record of wrong" my brain. I want so badly to love like Jesus loves... and that means to love unconditionally always. I'm still working on that, but I feel like this train of thought is a good start! : )
Monday, March 7, 2011
Journey Day 253
Fact: God sent Jesus to die on the cross so that when we die we can spend eternity in heaven with Him.
Fact: God sacrificed His son for us.
Fact: If God sent His very own son to die for my sins, He will certainly provide all of my needs. If he didn't care what happened to me, Jesus never would have died.
I was sitting in Starbucks this morning, doing devos in between my two classes and I was reading my book on the names of God. Today's name was Miqweh Yisrael, which means The Hope of Israel. The whole chapter was about how we can hope in Christ and trust in him. And Ms Spangler started talking about how God sacrificed His own son for our good, so why would He suddenly stop caring? She said, "Hope is the great stabilizer. It steadies us in times of fear and difficulty, not because we know that everything will turn out as we want, but because we know that God is trustworthy. Hope is what helps us stay the course regardless of circumstances." I had never thought about it like that! If God loved me enough to send His son just so He could die for me so that I can go to heaven, why would be like "Actually, just kidding. I don't love you that much anymore. I think I'll just leave you to do your thang now." God has had our back since the beginning of time, and you know what? He isn't about to stop now! So I can enjoy the perfect peace of God and keep my mind steadfast in Him, remembering that He works out everything for the good of those called according to His purpose! : )
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Journey Day 252
I've been thinking a lot about this "journey" of mine, and I've been trying to figure out where it's brought me. In other words, what does it all mean for me and for my life and my walk with God? So I just started journaling. And this is what I wrote. "I want to be Jesus to people. And when I say that I mean I want people to look at me and my life and see Jesus... not Sarah. I'm not %100 sure what that looks like yet. I know it means loving at all times. I know it means giving. I know it means turning the other cheek, and I know it means being humble. I know it means prayer and compassion. I know it means picking up my cross and dying to self every day... so maybe I do have some idea of what being Jesus to everyone should look like." Right now I am filled with a love for the lover of my soul. Right now I'm excited to live a life completely for him, even if that means saying, "If I perish, I perish." I want my life mantra to be "To live is Christ, to die is gain." So where has my journey taken me? It's brought me from heart break to freedom and brokenness to contentment and joy. My life isn't about me anymore, it's all about Him.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Journey Day 251
Tonight my heart overfloweth with love. Plain and simple my cup runeth over. And while I am content I am far too tired to write anything of any substance. Tomorrow I shall write more : ) But in the mean time, let me direct you to someone much smarter than I: My Utmost for His Highest
Friday, March 4, 2011
Journey Day 250
One of my most favorite things in the whole world is laughter. It just can turn a terrible day into an awesome one! Last night, after bible study, the girls in my small group all went to sweet frog (a local frozen yogurt shop) and we just had a blast. By the time we left our stomachs hurt from laughing so hard AND we had all gotten to know each other a little better. It was awesome! I just think laughing is so important, whether you're laughing at yourself, or laughing at a joke, or a situation... it just makes everything better! I always want to have the ability to laugh at myself and laugh at whatever life might throw me! Not only is it fun, but it's good for you! Every time you laugh you burn 3.5 calories and you increase oxygen intake which invigorates your cells. It also increases your pain threshold, relieves stress, AND boosts your immune system. It also releases endorphins which is a chemical even stronger than morphine!! So not only is laughter fun but it's also healthy. So find something to laugh about... NOW : )
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Journey Day 249
Music speaks to my soul. I'm a cheeseball, don't worry I'm well aware of that fact, but it's just true. Whenever I am sad, lonely, mad or depressed I can listen to certain worship or Christian contemporary songs and automatically feel encouraged. This is why I post song lyrics on here a lot. It's exactly what I'm feeling, just in song form. It's no different with "What Do I Know of Holy" by Addison Road. I was in the car driving to school and that song came on and I automatically started singing along. I had never really actually listened to the words until then and I feel like they pretty much sum up my journey to this point.
What Do I Know of Holy by Addison Road
I made you promises a thousand times
I tried to hear from heaven
But I talked the whole time
I think I made you too small
I never feared you at all
If you touched my face would I know you?
Looked into my eyes could I behold you?
What do I know of you
Who spoke me into motion?
Where have I even stood
But the shore along your ocean?
Are you fire? Are you fury?
Are you sacred? Are you beautiful?
What do I know? What do I know of holy?
I guess I thought that I had figured you out
I knew all the stories and I learned to talk about
How you were mighty to save
Those were only empty words on a page
Then I caught a glimpse of who you might be
The slightest hint of You brought me down to my knees
What do I know of you
Who spoke me into motion?
Where have I even stood
But the shore along Your ocean?
Are You fire? Are You fury?
Are You sacred? Are You beautiful?
What do I know? What do I know of holy?
What do I know holy?
What do I know of wounds that will heal my shame?
And a God who gave life "it's" name?
What do I know of holy?
Of the one whom the angels praise?
All creation knows your name
On earth and heaven above
What do I know of this love?
What do I know of you
Who spoke me into motion?
Where have I even stood
But the shore along Your ocean?
Are You fire? Are You fury?
Are You sacred? Are You beautiful?
What do I know? What do I know of holy?
What do I know of holy?
What do I know of holy?
What Do I Know of Holy-- LISTEN : )
What Do I Know of Holy by Addison Road
I made you promises a thousand times
I tried to hear from heaven
But I talked the whole time
I think I made you too small
I never feared you at all
If you touched my face would I know you?
Looked into my eyes could I behold you?
What do I know of you
Who spoke me into motion?
Where have I even stood
But the shore along your ocean?
Are you fire? Are you fury?
Are you sacred? Are you beautiful?
What do I know? What do I know of holy?
I guess I thought that I had figured you out
I knew all the stories and I learned to talk about
How you were mighty to save
Those were only empty words on a page
Then I caught a glimpse of who you might be
The slightest hint of You brought me down to my knees
What do I know of you
Who spoke me into motion?
Where have I even stood
But the shore along Your ocean?
Are You fire? Are You fury?
Are You sacred? Are You beautiful?
What do I know? What do I know of holy?
What do I know holy?
What do I know of wounds that will heal my shame?
And a God who gave life "it's" name?
What do I know of holy?
Of the one whom the angels praise?
All creation knows your name
On earth and heaven above
What do I know of this love?
What do I know of you
Who spoke me into motion?
Where have I even stood
But the shore along Your ocean?
Are You fire? Are You fury?
Are You sacred? Are You beautiful?
What do I know? What do I know of holy?
What do I know of holy?
What do I know of holy?
What Do I Know of Holy-- LISTEN : )
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Journey Day 248
Last week at bible study my table leader, Jenna, challenged us with this statement, "I always want to want to desire God." That really got me thinking. Even when I feel dry and my walk is in a valley, I always want to desire to desire God! Even when I don't feel the desire, I want to want the desire. I want an unquenchable thirst for His word, and hunger for His presence. I want my heart to be a reflection of Psalm 84:1-2. "How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and flesh cry out for the living God." I yearn to hear His voice and to feel His peace. Nothing can keep my heart from crying out for Him. My entire soul yearns for God and for His heart, but even when I don't "feel" that desire, I will yearn to yearn for Him and desire to desire Him.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Journey Day 247
When you think of beauty what do you think of? For me, that word calls a lot of things to my mind! Like a picture playlist the first thing I see are the mountains of Virginia. This morning I walked out of my house to go to work and I saw the most incredible view! There were the mountains topped with some pink, blue, and orange. It was so incredible!! It looked a little like this:
The next thing that comes to my mind is laughter. I love laughing, I love making people laugh... I think it's beautiful. God could have made life completely dull with nothing worth laughing about, but instead He chose to give us the ability to laugh and to enjoy life! Laughter seems to bring out the best in us, even when we're having the worst day ever! Laughter seems to have the uncanny ability to make it at least a little bit better. I think that's pretty darn beautiful!
The next image I see is a starry night. Not the painting, but an actual starry night. All those glowing lights up in the sky really seem to put things into perspective for me. God placed every star up in the sky to give us light, and to make us smile! : )
One of the most beautiful things I've ever seen is Niagra Falls. A few summers ago my family went there for a vacation, and I was simply in awe of what God had made. If you've never been I definitely suggest you go because there is simply no photograph or photographer that could truly capture the strength, power and grace of Niagra.
Beauty isn't skin deep, it isn't what the world deems it be, there is no formula to figure out what beauty is. If God made it, there is something beautiful about it. Bottom line. I charge you to find beauty wherever you go, whatever you do, because I can guarantee you will find it! : )What picture playlist plays in your mind when you hear the word "beauty"?
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