Monday, October 4, 2010

Journey Day 99

When you are having a really awful day where do you go? Who or what do you turn to? What is the one thing that will turn your frown upside down? When I'm having a hard day, I tend to turn to my closest friends. When my "soul is downcast within me" my first reaction is to call or text message my "go to" friends. They know my broknness and my baggage, they know my heartbreak and my struggles, but through this journey of mine God is showing me that in those moments, when my day is going terribly, and my baggage seems heavier than usual, or I feel like the world can see my brokenness, I need to turn to Him. He alone can lighten my load, and take my broken pieces and put them back together. And that my friends brings us to "The Verse of the Week", " Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail."-Lamenations 3:21-22. There will be those days were your afflictions and bitterness will be in the forefront of your mind. As Lamentations 3:20 says, your soul will be downcast within you, but right then and there remember this verse! We are not consumed by our failures, our bitterness, or our afflictions...why? Because God's love NEVER fails, and his compassions are new every morning. Can anyone or anything else give you that kind of comfort? I think not. Only my God can! Only my God can lift us when we fall, and be our light in the darkness. But my God is your God too, and he wants to do for you, what he faithfully does for me every single day. The God of comfort, our Abba, wants to be your God.

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