Thursday, October 14, 2010

Journey Day 109

Well I got my computer back!!! : ) : ) God is good! I was worried they weren't going to be able to fix it, but alas the genius at the Apple store was able to bring my baby back to life. It's so nice to be home! I'm enjoying being with my little brothers and sister. They are getting so big, I can hardly believe it!
So something I'm learning is how to not worry. I can't say that I am succeeding, but I'm trying! I'm seeing that the trick to living a life worry free, is leaving your fears, dreams, and desires at the foot of the cross. Every time I start to worry about something, or wish I had done something different, I try to catch myself, and there in that moment I pray, "God take this away from me. I know you would not have me live in a spirit of fear." And instantly I feel lighter. As strange as that sounds, it's the truth! And it's so freeing! I am learning to let go of the small things, but it's hard for me for some reason. Just ask any of my friends, I am a worrier by nature. I worry what people think of me, I worry about the way a situation will turn out, I just worry about everything. But this isn't right, this isn't of God. I don't like this part of me, so I a new part of my journey is "not sweating the small stuff". I am excited to see where this leads, and how this will improve my relationship with God, my relationships with others, and my own life! Goodnight my blogging friends, I hope that God will surround you with His love, and remind you that He delights in you! : )

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