Sunday, October 31, 2010

Journey Day 126

Today at church, I helped out with the kids program called Kidzlife. I love doing it, but waking up this morning was just killer. You have to be there at 8:30, and the church is 15 minutes away from my apartment. Which meant I had to leave at 8:15, and with my family here all weekend, it had just been a long Saturday. The idea of getting out of bed did not appeal to me, and although my desire to call them and say I was sick was strong, my desire to have a Christ-like character was stronger, so I rolled out of bed... literally... I sleep on a futon. And I got ready to play with the kiddies. And I am so glad I did! It wasn't because of some strong connection with any kid, or a powerful time of worship, it was because of seven little words on a chalk board flower, "What is keeping you from God's heart?" And for some reason those words really convicted me! What is keeping me from God's heart? My lack of ability to follow through? Lack of trust in God? The distraction of other things, like tv shows, or even facebook? Does my own brokenness keep me from getting close to the heart of the one who heals me? This week I have been in such a funk... and at first I had no idea why. Then I was talking to a friend of mine, and he mentioned how often, when gets in a funk it's because he hasn't been spending time in God's word. And it dawned on me. That must be it. Although all of the above contribute to the distance between God's heart and my own, the root cause is the lack of time I devote to spending time reading His word! I mean His words can be like water for my parched and hurting heart! Why would I not give Him that time? I guess my question tonight is, what is keeping you from the heart of God? Maybe your's is the same as mine, or maybe it's different, but whatever is it, I urge you to find it and fix it. Because I know that knowing God's heart, and being close to His heart, is the best possible place to be! Happy Halloween guys! Let your light shine, I know you're different, you know you're different, now let the world know you're different!

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