Today I turn 21 years old! : ) I know it's just one year older, but it feels big! Even though absolutely nothing has changed, it feels like it's all about to! 20 was certainly an interesting year, filled with it's share of trials, but also it's share of triumphs and beauty! In one year my heart was broken, and put back together by the lover of my soul; my relationship with God was dry and now it's fruitful and He makes my heart overflow with joy! I gained friendships, and strengthened some other friendships! Although I'm glad 20 is over, and I'm ready for 21 to begin, I'm grateful for all that God has done in my life this year! Through all the ups and downs of this year, I had many people that encouraged me and built me up, but two people that have been by my side my whole life, are the two people that brought me into this world: My parents!
This is Sandy and Steve
My parents have always encouraged me to follow God's will for my life! They instilled strong Christian values, and never let me take the easy route. My parents were awesome examples to me, not just talking the talk, but always walking the walk. Whenever I'm home, I'll go upstairs at night, or earlier in the morning, and my mom will be sitting on her bed, pouring over God's word, and my dad the exact same thing. They love God, and they show me the love of God each and every day! I know that they will always be there for me to love me, and listen to me. What a blessing they are! : )
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