Thursday, February 10, 2011

Journey Day 228

I love my school. Don't get me wrong, it isn't perfect! It has it's flaws and faults just like any other school but it provides you with the means and opportunity to grow your relationship with God. Whether or not you do... well, that's up to you! But last night was campus church, and although I usually don't go because I'm an old lady and go to bed at like 9, I decided to go. Clayton King's sermon was on sin, and I think he defined it quite perfectly. "Sin is anything that cools your affection for God." How true is that?! Even if an action itself isn't inately wrong, if it puts a distance between you and God or "cools your affection" for Him than it is wrong for you. As a christian our goal should be to grow closer to God and to love Him more, but if we are continually sinning, how can that ever happen? We put a block between us and God when we sin, because we are ashamed to be around Him. Being in His presence makes us feel guilt, and we just don't like that feeling! Not only does sin get in the way of our relationship wtih God but it totally kills our testimony. When people look at us do they see Jesus? We are so supposed to be salt of the earth, and the light in the darkness. People are supposed to look at our lives and know who we represent! Matthew 5:13 tells us this, "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt looses it's saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot." If we aren't shining Jesus, and spreading His name what good are we? If we are allowing our sin to eat away at our relationship with God, it will start to dull our light, and we will lose our saltiness. I know that I am a sinner, and I NEED the grace of God, but grace isn't an excuse to keep on sinning. The love and grace of God is the reason to not sin. When we sin, it's like we are telling God, "I know you gave your life so we could be together forever, but I'd much rather watch this porno, or sleep with my boyfriend, or say this swear word than spend time with you." We chose the world over the lover of our soul. It's time we get back our saltiness, it's time we push aside our sin and pursue righteousness. We are human thus we will make mistakes BUT we can work hard to chose God over the world and chose light over dark.

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