Saturday, February 5, 2011

Journey Day 223

Oh hellllllllo my blogging friends! I wish that we could sit down and have conversations about the weather, and Jesus, and life. Doesn't that sound fantastic? Add a cup of coffee into the mix and I'd say it sounds perfect : ) I love days like today!! I slept in, and went out to lunch with my AMAZING friend Amber! She seriously always gives me the best advice, and reminds me that sometimes I need to let go and not take life too seriously (I have the tendency to do that). She's great! After lunch we went downtown and went to the Starlight Cafe, and a little boutique called Bittersweet. Then we walked around a really cute record store called Speakertree Records. A perfect afternoon, yes? And now I am laying in bed, listening to the rain, watching 30 Rock on Hulu and writing to all of you. I love Saturday... in fact I love life! Do you remember reading about that peace that passes all understanding? Yeah? Well I'm feelin it... for the first time in my life, I'm really at peace. Nothing is bothering me, I'm letting things roll off my shoulder, and I'm not worrying about stuff... this is all so new to me! Even at the beginning of my journey I was still trying to maintain control of my life even though I never had to it begin with. And now, even though there are still some things I'm still learning to let go of, I am really learning that life is better when I let go, and let God! Cliche? Yeah maybe! True? Most definitely!

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