Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Journey Day 129

So I'm reading Jeremiah still, and it's such a beautiful picture of God's love. Picture this: Israel has rebelled against God over and over again. He is getting angry, fed-up and sad! The people that he loves and has created have forgotten him, and are worshiping false gods. It's time for Judah to deal with the consequences of their actions, not because God is cruel, but because God is just. But even in this time of punishment, God promises forgiveness and redemption! In Jeremiah 24 He promises Jeremiah that He will rescuse those who have been exiled. They must pay for their deeds for 70 years, but then He will save them. He will open their hearts to Him. He will not forget forget them. Despite all they have done, it seems that Israel is still the apple of His eye. There is nothing they can do to make God love them less, but they still have to pay for what they've done, there are consequences for every action. This story still applies to us today! We make different things our "gods"; schoolwork, friends, relationship, maybe even your car, or your computer! Although the "gods" come in different forms they all have the same effect; they take our attention away from the lover of our soul! What a tragedy! : ( Despite all of that God loves us still, we must pay for our mistakes, but He will always be there holding us up and rescuing us! We have such an amazing God of grace! My dad said it right, "He is always a sucker for us... His finger is always on the trigger of the grace gun." He is just waiting for us to return to Him so he can pour his grace out on us! I know I am grateful for that! I constantly fail, and constantly make mistakes, but just as consistently I fail God is there to pick me up and dust me off and forgive me! : )

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