Sunday, August 15, 2010

Journey day 49

I officially finished "Untamed"! After reading it I feel like I know my savior in a different way! Ms harper gave me a whole new perspective on who God is, and what he wants for my life! After finishing it I've learned :

1. My Savior is wildly pro-woman!
Culture bombards us with so many lies about who we are as woman! They say men are better, the skinnier you are the more feminine you are, when you wear revealing clothing you are more beautiful, and other lies. But God is on our side! "Give all the 'boys rule' messages that have been assaulting my heart over the years, it's been a wonderfully liberating surprise to learn that Jesus is wildly pro-woman." He used women in his ministry, not just to clean and cook for his disciples, but to spread the truth of the gospel! He uses women to carry out his purpose, even if that wasn't the politically correct thing to do! Our savior frees us from the lie that women are inferior to men! We are his daughters and his desire is for us to be treated with honor, kindness, and respect, just like how he treats us!

2. My Savior is wildly confident!
"There is not a single square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is sovereign over all, does not cry 'Mine'!"- Abraham Kuyper
Christ knew who he was, and what he was meant to do. He owned who he was called to be, and didn't doubt it or hide from it! Confidence is a compelling quality, and it draws people in! The confidence of Jesus brings us to him, because we long to know Him who is confident in who He was born to be!

3. My Savior is wildly confrontational!
"Woe to the person who smoothly, flirtatiously, commandingly, convincingly preaches some soft, sweet something which is supposed to be Christianity."-Soren Kierkengaard
God is always honest with us, sometimes brutally so! He does this, because he wants us to repent, and be reconciled with him, and sometimes that means it has to hurt. He loves us so much, and has so much compassion for "lost, lonely, and mistake-prone people", that he knows he needs to be confrontational. We need firmness to be healed, we don't need to be coddled. "He refuses to water down the truth for us. He won't shield us from the painful realities that accompany a life of faith, thereby causing us to group up weak, wobbly and easily defeated."

And last, but certainly NOT least:

4. My savior is wildly liberating!
Although this isn't the last reason in the book, I just feel like it is the most important of all of them! God frees us from our hurt, resentment, bitterness, and self-condemnation. God's love and grace liberate us from every single stronghold! He sets the captives free, and releases us from anything holding us bath! Although there are many other "wild" qualities of God I feel like this is the key! God frees us, the power of freedom is the ultimate strength!

My God is a God that I can turn to when the going gets tough, for he is strong and mighty! My refuge and strength, my ever present help in times of trouble as David said in the Psalms! I praise God every single day for the strength he has been giving me in my journey, and for the character he is developing in me! The strength to do what is right even when it's difficult, and the wisdom to know what is right, even when I'm being pulled in every other direction! The thought of all he is doing and all he has blessed me with puts a smile on my face, and a song on my heart!

"Take what's left of me, make it a melody."-Switchfoot

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