Monday, August 2, 2010

Journey Day 36

Lately I have been feeling super convicted about the words that come out of my mouth. I've been working on talking about others, and cursing, and now it's time to work on the kinds of things I say. For example I am a fan of "that's what she said" jokes! It's like my mind automatically goes there, but now I have to get out of that habit! That is not healthy, and it is not edifying! I used to think that if someone doesn't think a dirty joke is funny, then they just take their life too seriously, but now I am realizing that I was wrong, that I haven't been taking my relationship with God seriously enough. I mean every once in a while, a that's what she said joke is funny, and not inappropriate, but when your mind is always there it becomes unhealthy! When I make those kind of jokes it puts me in a bad light, and can even ruin my testimony! Yesterday I committed so many different aspects of my life to God, but the one thing I didn't commit to him was my speech and my thoughts! Here and now, tonight, I am committing my mind and words to Christ, and I pray that they will bring him glory! I've also been feeling committed about the kind of things I fill my mind with. I watch some t.v. that is unnecessary, and dirty. Why do I need to fill my mind with that? The truth is, I don't! I've made the decision that I am going to cut those shows out of my life. I don't need them, and they aren't edifying! They are just one more thing keeping me from getting closer to God! I feel like everyday, God is bringing me closer to him, and showing me different ways to make my life a sacrifice to him! I can barely contain my excitement! God is so good, and so kind, and so merciful, I am learning to love him with my whole heart and it is the best feeling in the world!

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