Friday, March 2, 2012

Blessing or no blessing

The past few days God has brought something to my mind that I think is incredibly essential to life... even if He never blesses me again... even if I never see His hand or feel His presence, He is still God... He is still good... and I will still love Him. I do not love God for what He can give me or do for me, I love Him because He is God... I trust Him because He is good and faithful... I follow Him because there is no other person worth following... He is it. Think about this for a second... if you had a friend or family member who only loved you for the gifts you gave them or the things you did for them, would that make a very good relationship? I submit, it would not! It's the same with God. Don't you think it hurts Him when our love for Him is conditional upon the amount of blessings we have or the happiness we feel? I'm not saying in the moments where God feels far away that it isn't hard... that it doesn't hurt... cause it does. But even in those moments, in the times when nothing seems to make sense, we MUST still love Him, obey Him, and serve Him. Think about the story of Job for second. God allowed Satan to basically take everything from him except for his life. Job lost his family, his home, his belongings, and even his health, but he never stopped loving and worshipping God. That's not to say that he didn't question God, or wrestle with Him, but he never stopped loving Him. Job got it... he understood that our love for God doesn't get to be conditional upon our circumstances. If you truly love God you must love Him in the good, the bad, and the ugly. I love that God enjoys blessing His children... I love that He is the giver of good gifts... but that isn't the only, or even the main reason I love Him. I love Him because He first loved me... and I love Him because He is God.

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