Friday, August 26, 2011


I do this thing where I constantly question why God does things... I'm a pretty inquisitive person and that includes my interactions with Abba. I seem to put Him in a box and limit Him and His capabilities to my own understanding. If I don't get it than it can't be so... I always seem to be asking God to explain. But you know what, I'm not always going to know why, and neither will you. I'm reading "Erasing Hell" by Francis Chan and while a large portion of the book talks about Hell's existence and how long people go there for, the chapter I'm reading now talks about how just because we don't understand how or why God could do something doesn't mean that God couldn't do it. Like I personally don't completely understand how my kind, loving, merciful God could send anyone to Hell, but I know that He does. We don't have to understand, we just have to know that God, at the very center of who He is, is good and just and we just have to trust that. We won't always know the answer to why, but we can always count on God being who He says He is. Nothing is too difficult or impossible for Him! "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."(Isaiah 55:9)

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