Monday, August 15, 2011


Recently my parents were royally screwed over by someone they thought was a close friend. He was someone they loved and trusted and he took that love and trust and threw it back in their faces. It seems to have broken both my parents hearts, but I think more so my dad. He feels like somehow he's the one to blame for the whole mess, and he doesn't really like to talk about. It seems like everyday they find out another way this guy hurt them... but the emotion my dad has been choosing is not the one I often do... aka anger. Instead he has been defending this man, and showing him this incredible amount of grace. Instead of concentrating on the bad that was done, my amazing father is choosing to see the good that he did. My automatic reaction is to want justice... but in my dad's eyes the bill is already paid in full. This love reminds me of the love my heavenly father gives to me. Even when I forget Him and ignore Him and put other "gods" before Him, He still loves me and heaps grace on me. How lucky am I that I get two daddies that extend grace even when it is undeserved.

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