Thursday, June 16, 2011

Journey Day 353

I love when my family comes to visit me... how different that is from just a few years ago. My freshman year I was a bad daughter. I was rude to my parents, and I made them feel unloved, and unwanted. What kind of daughter does that? But the older I get the more I come to love, respect and cherish my entire family. Yes they're crazy, and yes they're loud, but they're awesome and they love me unconditionally. My parents taught me what loving God really looks like, and their awesome marriage has shown me what a healthy and loving relationship looks like. My brothers and sisters are so crazy and fun. Zach, Caleb, and I have some awesome conversation filled with laughs and serious moments. Isaiah is getting taller, and funnier every time I see him and Abby is entering the teenage stage which makes me feel old. Sammy is as adorable as ever and so funny and sweet. Ethan is getting bigger and funnier and more ridiculous every time I see him and I love it. I really couldn't have hand picked a better family myself. Through the good, the bad and the ugly I always know they will be there for me. Through the thick and the thin they are my family. Wǒ de jiārén

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