Sunday, May 1, 2011

Journey Day 308

Today I took a nap from approximately 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm... and it was magical! I hardly ever let myself sleep like that, because I like being productive, and I like getting stuff done! But I allowed my body to get the rest it seems it so desperately needed! And now I'm sitting at work, attempting to concentrate on getting some actual homework done whilst still making sure the kiddies in my room don't cause any disturbances. This is my "to-do list" for this evening...
-write blog (almost check)
-history paper
-powerpoint for Coms 307 project
-paper for Coms 307
-Course review for Coms 307 (check)
-group review for Coms 307

If you ask me Coms 307 requires WAY too much of my time. But only three more days of classes, then a day off, then two days of finals and then I'm done!!!! Well at least for 6 days, and then my summer class. But I shall have 6 glorious days of nothingness! I have very mixed emotions about the end of the semester. I am oh so very excited for classes to be OVER... but I'm also sad that I'll have to say goodbye forever to a lot of people. By the time I get back from China, most of my friends will be graduated and I probably won't see them again. So that is very sad... but then again I'M GOING TO CHINA!! WOOHOOOO! I'm just a big ol' bag of mixed emotions tonight. Soo there's my current life in a nutshell... no spiritual lesson in this post... just life : )

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