Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Journey Day 164

So today I finally finished "Forgotten God" by Francis Chan. What an excellent and convicting book! The last chapter was so awesome! It talked about how as God's creation we reflect Him and the only way we can properly do this is by filling our lives with the Holy Spirit, and allowing ourselves to filled by that peace, joy, and love. Have you ever heard that song, "They'll know we are Christians"? The chorus goes, "They'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love. They will know we are Christians by our love." That means allowing the Holy Spirit to fill up every empty space in you so that when people look at you they will see Christ... and they will know who we represent by the way we love them! When people look at your life are they touched by your love? Is your joy uncontainable and your peace contagious? To be honest all of that doesn't always apply to me. I want it to, truly I do, but sometimes I have a hard time loving some people, and sometimes joy is hard to come by and I worry about stupid things like it's my job. BUT I can hold close to the promise that when I turn to the Spirit, God will fill me, and I will be kind, and loving, and have that peace that passes all understanding, but not by my own power, but because God is in control of my spirit!

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